
At Debris Shop, our dedication to preserving the integrity of our intellectual property rights is unwavering. We want to emphasize the paramount importance of recognizing and respecting our copyright ownership, which extends to all aspects of our brand, including but not limited to our website content, branding materials, proprietary technologies, and associated intellectual property.

Liaolai Internet Company GROUP 聊赖互联网有限责任集团公司, the legal entity based in Hong Kong, is the rightful owner and registered holder of the copyright for all elements related to Debris Shop. This ownership is not merely a technicality; it is a cornerstone of our commitment to protecting the originality and creativity that define our brand.

As part of our legal responsibility, we want to caution against any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of our copyrighted materials. Any such actions constitute a direct infringement of our intellectual property rights and will be met with swift and decisive legal action.

We must stress the serious repercussions of copyright infringement. Not only does it undermine the hard work and innovation that go into building our brand, but it also violates applicable laws and regulations governing intellectual property. Individuals or entities found guilty of copyright infringement may face severe penalties, including civil liabilities, injunctive relief, and monetary damages, as well as potential criminal prosecution.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon all parties to refrain from engaging in any activities that could infringe upon our intellectual property rights. We urge compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and implore respect for the creative endeavors that make our brand unique.

In conclusion, the copyright ownership by Liaolai Internet Company GROUP 聊赖互联网有限责任集团公司 serves as a critical safeguard against unauthorized use of our intellectual property. We will not hesitate to take legal action to protect our rights and interests, and we trust that others will honor and uphold the principles of intellectual property law.